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Speaker, author, teacher, consultant: I teach/consult to financial, tax, and legal professionals about the tax laws that govern IRAs and employer plans

Retirement Plans for Small Businesses: Suitability Assessment

There are 33.2 million small businesses, and they employ 61.7 million of the 158 million American workers. While 95% of large private sector firms offer a retirement plan, retirement coverage by small businesses ranges from as low as 48% up to 77%, with smaller firms being lessRetirement Plans For Small Businesses likely to provide coverage. There are easy solutions to the challenges faced by small businesses that do not offer retirement plans. And many of these solutions provide tax benefits and help employees save for a financially secure retirement.

Not all plan features carry the same weight. A suitability assessment must be done to determine what works for a business and what doesn’t.

Denise will help you determine which plan works for your small business client, based on their needs.

Options include:

  • SEP IRAs
  • 401(k)s
  • Profit Sharing Plans 
Contact Denise to discuss your client's retirement plans needs for their small businesses.

253 Silvertop Drive
Grayson, GA 30017

Telephone: 973-313-9877

(C) Appleby Retirement Consulting Inc 2006-2024
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